Matt Dover Guided Fly Fishing

Current Lower Sac Fly Fishing Report: 12/11/2024

We have solid fishing conditions all through waters flowing into and out of Redding. There is never a better time to wade this river than right now. With flows down to 4,000 cubic feet per second (CFS) .vs upwards of 10,000 in the summer, it is possible to float from riffle, run and glide casting to rainbows holding in shallower water. Fishing from my drift boat is normal day-to-day operations. With the shorter days of winter upon us, this river offers by far the most opportunity to stay busy fishing and in all likelihood the most action.

What is fishing the Lower Sacramento like in the winter?

It’s quiet. Boat ramps are not as busy. It is easy to find plenty of water to fish where you look around and find you are the only one on the river. A giant river. Water conditions are going to be clear above Clear Creek 99% of the time during winter. Only when we have heavy rains and a near full Shasta Reservoir are releases elevated often resulting in muddy, off-color water.

Insect hatches will be of Blue Wing Olives, possibly Pale Morning Duns. Winter is a time when Salmon Fly Nymphs shed into a larger exoskeleton and with that end up more often than not in the river current. The wild rainbow trout of the Lower Sacramento River feed on these bonus meals veraciously. We fish brown or black rubber leg flies in #6 – 8 daily. Somedays the rubber legs is all the fish will eat. Incredible!

Just know that even a “slow” day on the Lower Sac in winter is a great day by any river’s standards.

Water conditions are good. The lower river, below Anderson is in great shape but can blow out if it rains. Plenty of perfectly good water up in Redding.

Hot flies:

  • #8 Brown Rubber Legs
  • Just about any small nymphs in brown or black. Think #14 ~ 18 (Smaller dark flies in 18 or even smaller are noticeably productive)
  • Dark colored Micro Mays in #14 – 18

Check flows through Redding, Ca. Keswick Dam Release Schedule

All my Lower Sacramento River reports include the following for your benefit:

Fishing the Lower Sac is a big piece of water to dissect. The riffles look good but when drifting in a boat, as we and other boat associated anglers drop into those riffles, any rainbows holding nose-against the riffle structure will be spooked by the boat. So, throw flies into the deeper water as you drift through, and then get back upstream (back row), anchor and throw into the riffle after fish have had a chance to return. This won’t be an ideal strategy for every riffle, or all river conditions. Many spots are simply to big and deep at high flows, but ideal at low flows.

Respect this river. It is powerful, deep and unforgiving. Wear a flotation device. Here’s and article that goes into “Personal Flotation Devices” for fly anglers -> Hatch Magazine

I have calendar dates available and can’t wait to take you and yours fishing. Contact me at (530) 338-8526 or send me a message using my form below:

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