Matt Dover Guided Fly Fishing

Current Trinity River Fly Fishing Report: 10.08.2024

The weather has been hot! Because of that, the middle reaches of the Trinity are warm. Too warm for steady migration. So what dies this mean today? As the days get shorter, nights cooler and longer, the steelhead fishing will improve. I know there are some decent reports coming out of the river so it’s not like venturing over there isn’t worth considering. It’s just that our best chances will be in the early AM before the sun is high and again near sundown. Of course this will all change by November. Cooler weather is on the way and with that the rain. I would book a steelhead trip in November without a second thought.

Want to know what the water releases out of Keswick Dam are? See this -> Keswick Releases

As the rains come, and they will. And the snow, we constantly check the flow at Pigeon Point -> Pigeon Point Flows

Call me or visit my contact page here and book with absolute confidence.

Hot flies:

  • #8 Brown Rubber Legs
  • Orange beads 8mm
  • Salmon, Orange, Shrimp Pink Micro-Spawn Eggs
  • TB Golden Stone #8
  • #14-16 BH Poxyback Hares Ear
  • #16-14 Micro May in black or brown
  • #12 -14 Red Copper John

I recommend swinging or drifting the small nymphs and rubber legs. Actually, all flies drifted under and indicator will produce. Change flies regularly and try new patterns and recommendations where ever you find them. I am fishing my guests out of my roomy, comfortable drift boat. You will have time to relax and take in the scenery between intervals of fishing. I have drinks, food. Let me know what I need to bring other than sandwiches, water, soda. I will gladly meet and exceed expectations. We can swing flies in the upper river. Wading is easier up there. The lower river, near Junction City, offers limited options, but great water for switch rods and green water.

I have calendar dates available and can’t wait to take you and yours fishing. Contact me at (530) 338-1714 or send me a message using my form below:

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