Current Lower Sac Fly Fishing Report: 01/10/2024
Winter 2024! Can you believe it? I have an idea. Take a day off work. Either Friday or Monday. And lets fish for the weekend. We can do a day here on the Lower Sacramento River, then pop over to the Trinity next day and get into Steelhead. Talk to me about the Klamath River for steelhead. Right about now is an amazing time to fish the Klamath.
The “Lower Sac” is fishing great over all. Water conditions are low and there’s plenty of opportunity to wade in between covering the best water while fishing nymphs from my drift boat. With plenty of time to relax in between casting and letting wild 16″ ~ 18″ rainbow trout run, I wouldn’t be surprised if you find one or two over 20″.
Where is the best fishing through January on the Sac?
For the moment, good to great fishing can be experienced throughout the entire system. Of course, weather conditions dictate to a large degree where we can find the best conditions. Be flexible. If you are heading out on your own, I’d check out some of the riffles and run near the Sun Dial Bridge in Redding. If water conditions are not blown out below Redding, there can be good dry fly fishing below Anderson River Park. You will have to walk a ways to get to the right water. Can be excellent.
Hot flies:
- #8 Brown Rubber Legs
- Just about any small nymphs in brown or black. Think #14 ~ 16
- Micro Mays in #14 – 16
- #16 ~ 18 Beaded Zebra Midge
- #14 Poopahs, Bubble Back Caddis
All my Lower Sacramento River reports include the following for your benefit:
Fishing the Lower Sac is a big piece of water to dissect. The riffles look good but when drifting in a boat, as we and other anglers drop into those riffles, any rainbows holding nose-against the riffle structure will be spooked by the boat. So, throw flies into the deeper water as you drift through, and then get back upstream, anchor and throw into the riffle after fish have had a chance to return. This won’t be an ideal strategy for every riffle, many are simply to big and deep, but the more approachable riffles add up as we get into the winter and lower flows.
Respect this river. It is powerful, deep and unforgiving. Wear a flotation device.